Beefy Nacho Cheese Wrap

Every now and then Lidl sells shredded cheese for nachos made with cheddar and spices. I preferred not to look at the ingredients list, because the longer it was, the more wary it was. I reassure myself by telling myself that I very, very rarely eat ready meals, so if I make a little difference from time to time, it won't be the end of the world.

There are days when I don't feel like cooking or I don't have the time to cook, so I wrap myself up and decorate with whatever I have on hand.

This is the first time I've made a wrapper that I first dipped in a scrambled egg, which I didn't like.

*Ingredients per wrap:

°1 egg
°Few yellow and red tomatoes, cut in half
°Salt and Pepper
°Shredded cheese for nachos or shredded cheddar cheese to which we add seasonings
° oil

* Preparation:

In a bowl, whisk eggs, salt and pepper

Dip wrapper on both sides to egg

In  frying pan, add a little oil, put the casing and decorate half of it with tomatoes, salt and pepper

Sprinkle with grated cheese

Cook over medium heat, let the tomatoes soften slightly and the cheese melt.

At the end of cooking, turn the wrapper in half and serve with a small salad of saccharin prepared with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper.

Enjoy !