Broccoli Salad

“An easy and fun recipe that always works!”

* Ingredients :

+For dressing:
°4 tablespoons of oil
°2 tablespoons vinegar
°1 teaspoon mustard
°Walnut or pine
°1 broccoli
°1 can of bacon

* Preparation:

level 1
Washing broccoli & cutting "small bunches" to slices.

The second step
Keep broccoli raw for better consistency and more crunch!

Step 3
Add the cooked bacon while it is still hot and mix everything well with the sauce and minced garlic.

Step 4
Refrigerate and add pine nuts or walnuts before tasting.

Step 5
Still hot bacon allows the broccoli to cook off a little and the sauce to marinate the broccoli well.

Step 6
Good tasting.

Enjoy !